Genealogy of primal forces
Genealogy of primal forces At first there was Chaos , a void, shapeless, lightless, formless and lifeless. Then came Mother Earth, Gaia , the dark and murky Tartarus , the region under the Earth and Eros , overcomes the sense, discretion and judgment of both gods and men, Erebus the darkness under the Earth, Night the darkness above the Earth. Night and Erebus, having joining together in mutual attraction, gave birth Aether, the light of the heavens and to the huge mountains and Hemera, the Day. Eros also, affected Gaia and she consequently gave birth to Ouranos, the Sky, huge mountains and to Pontus, the Sea. Ouranos and Gaia joined together. From this union came the Hecatoncheires, giants with a hundred hands and fifty heads, whose names were Briareus, Gyes and Cottus, Cyclops, creatures who had only one large eye in the midst of their forehead and often called Goggle-Eyes; they were Brontes the Thunderer, Steropes the Lathing-Hurler an...